Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 4 Issue 7, 1 January 2020 | Page 11

similar roles or even similar looks in different appearances if the aim is to have a variety of experiences and evolve? I guess NO! For if as an actor I want to evolve in my performance and act, I will go on to choose different roles, varied looks, challenging characters and plots to learn and evolve as an actor! What do you say??? 5. Now coming back to the big question-Do we look alike or similar in our various lifetimes? To tell the truth I personally as a therapist in my years of Past Life Regression sessions, am yet to encounter a single case of a client reporting an exact lookalike in any of his or her previous lifetimes!!! Strangely the nearest has been similarity of a few traits or tendencies, but nothing close in terms of facial similarities. What more, most of them don’t even see themselves as of the same race, colour, nationality, ethnicity, religion or gender! Truly saying most of them come out a little rattled or at least shocked, when they see and experience a lifetime that they lived and experienced in a totally different body, era and space-time. 6. Experiencing one’s past life thus is a profoundly moving and humbling experience for most of the clients, as for first time they, beyond the intellectual knowledge of soul’s eternal nature, experience it!!! Even more profound is the shattering of years of One’s identification with Self, for all our life we identify ourselves with our body, our face and our social identity. It is here that for the first time we realize that we are not who we look at in the mirror every morning, or who the world knows as Us, for when we see ourselves living and celebrating life in a different body, we realise we are much more than just this body & face ! 7. A natural question hovering over the minds of you all by now (off course other than our fellow Past Life regression therapists " ) must be that if we are different people, of different gender, race, colour, religion, nationality, ethnicity etc. then how will the client ‘Know’ that the person they are ‘Seeing’ or ‘Experiencing’ is them??? 8. Now believe it or not, each of them immediately ‘Knows’, the moment they ‘See or Experience’ the presence of their own self in