Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 4 Issue - 6, 1 December 2019 | Page 45

Second - Free will : when consciousness start evolving in man they understand choices and their powers. How it leads to various conclusion? They know that, choices can be changed and so are the consequences. Then they start experiment with that when it is taken to the other level we start to change choices even in past lives as well. For example if in a life time we had hatred and hatred alone and again collected the same group around to resolve the conflict. Going back to that past life and getting into forgiveness and seeking forgiveness with all parties concerned can change situations drastically here. Since that purpose is already completed so we move on to the next lesson. Its consequences though always good but may appear very confusing to an accustomed to fixed good and bad concepts of the society. For example you are here a ‘husband wife’ to resolve a conflict - now, when that is already resolved in the past life chances are you will end up Divorced since your next lesson is calling. And it can turn, a forever fighting family into a very loving family since their feud has already ended in the previous birth. So free will may change lots of things can start attracting different families beyond blood or relationships. Can let you move on to a very different direction which you have never planned before. Concept of time: Thats the ultimate interesting thing of them all; since, this whole magic begins with it. Just like Space there is no time and just the way we enter into atmosphere of earth, there is this dimension ‘Called Time ‘begins, and so is the ‘The truth’ for various celestial bodies; all of them have their own value of time which may and may not be same as earth. As we can take example from our solar system where every planet is rotating with different pace and distance and value called ‘Time’.