Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 4 Issue - 6, 1 December 2019 | Page 35

Number 9s are suited to careers in journalism, the police force or armed forces, the medical profession, stockbroker or financial sector. These individuals make great environmentalists, teachers, artists, priests and healers. In dealing with colleagues, number 9s should try to limit their criticisms and be patient with people who do not work at the frantic pace that they opt for. Number 9s will give credit where it is due and will be the firs to applaud another colleague’s hard work and input. COLOUR: Brown and rich earthy colours are favoured by number 9s as they are luxuriant colours that reflects confidence and security. They are also soothing colours that can take the edge off the pressured lives of number 9s. Number 9s also seem to gravitate towards blue and yellow. SOUL URGE / MOTIVATION NUMBER 9 People with Motivation Number 9 want life to meet their ideals and they want the world to be a better place. They want everyone to be happy and at peace. They are compassionate and caring individuals who have romantic notions. They have a great love of life and have a great fondness of their fellow humans and want to spend a great deal of time talking and sharing thoughts. People with Soul Urge / Motivation Number 9 tend to try to do too much at one time and can let themselves become exhausted. The highest expression of the Soul Urge is to connect in a mystical way with others. Although their aspirations may seem lofty, they are also humanitarians who are often gifted with a sharp intuition and keen analytical skills. Their faith in themselves and the future is so strong that they live by their convictions. Your challenge in life is to be understood as more than a fanatic or flake by others who may not understand your idealism. The purpose of the illumined 9 is to come into the physical life to serve others, and in so doing, will raise themselves to the highest spiritual levels. 9 INNER-SELF / KARMIC NUMBER People with 9 as their Inner-Self or Karmic Number seem to be non-judgemental and open-minded individuals who are happy to accept everyone whom they meet as their equal. They appear to love everyone and have a great deal of compassion and tenderness towards their fellow human beings. They appear to have many creative talents and unique abilities.