Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, Issue - 5, 1 November 2019 | Page 5
5 Ways to Develop Self-Worth (When
You Never Feel Good Enough)
When you lack self-worth, it’s as though the ground beneath you has been
ripped away.
You may feel insecure, unstable, and a constant sense of underlying anxiety
that taints everything like poison.
Lacking self-worth is like being a tree without roots.
When the winds of existence come along in the form of people, relationships,
and tough situations, you flounder, bend, and fall.
No matter where you go or what you do, you feel demoralised, debilitated,
and insubstantial.
While others appear to be healthy, confident, and robust, you’re like the plant
that has had all its leaves ripped off. You may try to put on a mask, a tough
facade to try and fool others. But deep down, you know it’s all a lie.
Do you feel unworthy of love, happiness, and success?
If you struggle to feel good about yourself, you’re not alone. I’ve been there,
and it’s a horrible way to live. In this article, I’ll share with you my no bullshit
tips for how to unconditionally boost your self-worth.
What is Self-Worth? (Definition)
Self-worth means believing that you’re fundamentally worthy as a person. It’s
interchangeably with words such as self esteem and self respect-but self-
worth is much more rudimentary. When we lack self-worth, an innate sense of
dignity is missing.
The Cambridge dictionary elaborates and defines self-worth as “the value you
give to your life and achievements.”
Yes, There’s a Big Difference Between Self-Worth and Self-Esteem
Although these two words are used synonymously, they’re not the same.
There’s actually a hierarchy of importance here. Self-worth comes before self-
esteem. Self-worth is the foundation — its like the trunk and roots, and self-
esteem’s like the branches.
Without self-worth, self-esteem is shallow and unstable. Can you imagine
what a tree would be like without its trunk and roots? Yes, that’s right: a tree
would be reduced to a pitiful pile of leaves and branches. And that’s what
happens when we don’t have the foundation of self-worth.