Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, Issue - 5, 1 November 2019 | Page 2

यदा िह नेिन्द्रयाथेर्षु न कमर्स्वनुषज्जते । सवर्सङ्कल्पसन्न्यासी योगारूढ़स्तदोच्यते " When one is neither attached to sense objects nor to actions, that person is said to be elevated in the science of Yog, for having renounced all desires for the fruits of actions. (Srimadbhagvat Geeta : Chapter 6 Verse 4) From The Desk Relationships are supposed to be maintained yes; But, never at the cost of one’s sanity. Yes, we are dealing here with a very special topic. LEAVING THE PARTNER: As a therapist I am asked this question innumerable times how would we know that it is an irreparable relationship and we must leave So let me give you some questions to ask yourself, in order to know when it is the right time to leave a relationship: 1. Does the pain you feel outweigh the possibility you feel? Honestly ask yourself whether the pain you're feeling in this relationship has gotten to the point that it has overwhelmed any sense of possibility that things will be better. If you sit quietly with yourself, and tune in to the sadness, you will get a sense of whether the pain is greater than the possibility. If you do feel overwhelmed, it's a good time to step back or step out, maybe for a while. This won't always be easy, especially if you have kids. It's very difficult to let go of the dream of being a family, celebrating holidays and milestones together, and living under the same roof. But taking a break is often the only thing that will stop a negative pattern. 2 Based on the past three years of being in the relationship, can you - with any confidence - predict that there's going to be any change in regard to whatever the issue is? Emotions cloud thinking and make it difficult to realistically assess your situation. Right now, you may be completely consumed with a fight you and your spouse had yesterday, and you are ready to throw in the towel.