Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 4 Issue - 4, 1 October 2019 | Page 62
"OCT OBER" 2 0 1 9
CHANGE yes thats the verdict of life . If you are at any
of the spot . TIme , Fate or Karma Galexies are sppining
around this constantly moving circle and then you found
something profound and start getting in centre .Yes
Pay attention - Not out of it 'Centre ' then you are still. No
more a part of any change and no more swirlling in it. In
side it, deep inside it yet calm.
Now, look closely in the centre which seems one but no it
has two . Yes , the mystic union Yin and Yang . Zen is the
gift of this month if you just want it.
Whatever changes you plan in your life are permanent
For work it says : Take wise decisions
.In love its a
soulmate union Month with spiritual bend of mind it will
bring Zen.
And if you are planning somehting
new it will bring
some drastic changes .You may or may not like them
but, this is for best. It is wise to go with them.
out your belief the more towards peripheri the
. Watch
more perturbed you are. More centered more clear and
still you are. With decisions as well as outcomes.
So all the best Meditate on this card if you need any
answer related to any of the change in your life. it will give
you very clear intutive indications.
Just do not try to stop the change because that will
not happen.
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