Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 4 Issue - 4, 1 October 2019 | Page 6

All feelings are Good Few days ago, as, I was driving around as usual, running errands, suddenly a big red light, lit up on the dashboard and grabbed my attention. It was an alert sign and It read “Tyre Pressure Check Tyres.” It got my attention. I immediately reduced my speed and drove slowly back home. When I got out of the car, I noticed a flat tyre. If the red signal light had not appeared on the dashboard, I would have continued driving around compromising my safety as well as the safety of the other drivers on the road. Using the above metaphor, we can see that our negative feelings are also like the red alert signals on the dashboard of the car. They are demanding our attention. Instead of giving them our attention, we look outside for distractions, which only keep us from feeling them. It is so easy to divert our attention to something outside for temporary pleasure, rather than to feel what we are feeling. We turn to the outside world, looking for comfort and pleasure. We suppress our feelings by eating too much, excessive drinking, smoking, spending vast amounts of time on the internet, watching too much television, gambling, online games, impulsive shopping etc. These become our temporary escape from the painful feelings. Any unhealthy behaviour, which distracts us from feeling our uncomfortable feelings, will soon end up becoming an addiction. Sooner or later, the temporary escape, becomes an addiction and we think this addiction is causing the “problem.” If we deal only with the addiction which is the “effect”, without dealing with the root “cause”, how do we cope when the negative feelings come up again?