Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 4 Issue - 4, 1 October 2019 | Page 57

Life can toss you anytime. An incident turned my life upside down I was emotionally shattered, was not able to gather myself and live a normal life. My emotional break downs used to wound people living with me. But for some months it was only me entrapped with self- inflicted emotional pain. No one existed for me. Severity of emotional pain was so much that it reflected on physical health too. Joints got inflamed, had skin allergy doctors could not treat, which I discovered after doing NLP course that it was the repercussion of not being in state of emotional wellbeing. Good thing was that I was aware of being myself in bad state. Psychiatrist could not help me, so being a healer myself and behaviour counsellor I started searching for some healing modalities and courses, which I did, and had given me drastic positive, good results. I am hale and hearty again. NLP came as an aid which helped me redesign, reframe, remodel my life... Happy go lucky, now I am empowered with strategies and techniques which saved Hema from going in depression and now is living an amazing life. My personal result authenticates and validates the results of NLP. Now my mission became to contribute back to society. I Mastered Coach programme in NLP and now practicing it full fledged. 3. What were you doing before NLP Training? I am a freelance jewellery designer, I get my own designed pieces manufactured on order only, besides I do behaviour counselling, soft skills training and image consultancy. Coaching and Mentoring is my passion. 4. How your experience of previous work you incorporate in your healing ability? Does it specify any dos or don'ts for you? Jewellery Designing skills unleashed the creative instinct in me. This creative skill makes my approach to solutions innovative and