Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 4 Issue - 4, 1 October 2019 | Page 33

drugs, alternate consciousness, mysticism, catalyst, prisoner, prophet, celebrity, highly energised, radical, sensitive, visionary, enthusiastic, creative/creativity. Negative Attributes: Too much of the 11 personality with this name may bring out a tendency to sit and ponder, rather than do. Although, generally not a financial or materialistic personality, you could be inclined to strive towards these areas for which you could believe that personal recognition is, and should be measured in material accumulations. * The Master Number 11 Name is of the super-intellect or genius, also regarded as a lucky person. The Master Number 11 Name is of the super- intellect or genius, also regarded as a lucky person. This name is one of intuitive, spiritual awareness and refinement. It suggests that your intuition is very strong and you are among the potentially best equipped to help guide people towards their own spiritual and intuitive awareness. You value life and your environment with a deep appreciation of the beauty and refinement that it has to offer. You are someone who can be extremely dependable, honest and compassionate. Name Number 11 people carry a high vibration and need to stay centred and balanced at all times as there is a tendency to sway from high to low, quickly. The high energy of the 11 will require some form of outlet where there can be active participation, whether it be through ones own profession, or some charitable inspirational leader this number represents. The Name Number 11 individual is an idealist in that they can see the bigger picture through revelations and pronounced intuitive and psychic abilitiesThe 11 Name person must remember to set an example for others to learn from. The Name Number 11 energy is not truly practical, is very highly-strung, intense, mercurial, polarised (off and on) and subtle. Those with the Name Number of 11 fears drudgery, restriction, ugliness of any kind and boredom. Many Name Number 11 people, at some point in their life, may suffer a devastating experience that propels them on the search for their personal spirituality and higher purpose.