Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 4, Issue - 3, 1 September 2019 | Page 3

independent since he was always an earning member. Well is he?? He needs friends, all utilities( provided by others) , relationship and family so where is that independence? Now, women are very independent too. In the similar terms. So let’s see What is this independence:- 1. Buying capacity which underlines an emotional security that I can take my own decisions (As per my buying capacity) 2. More walls, we are not even reasonable enough in terms of manners and putting up with things kindly. We, now range between, two extreme behaviour either people put up with abusive behaviour or they revolt at every thing even a very sensible thought, if it sounds even remotely different from their’s. 3. Shed responsibility in larger terms, thinking every body should be independent and we ignore the fact of well being of children and society. 4. Controlling others… illusion of Independence comes with this serious ego trip of having more control which some times seriously escalate. 5. Our deepest sense of fear “ We do not need anyone” We are free to live our life whichever the way we want. Yes we are, even when we acknowledge that we need people we are co dependent or dependent on each other. Feel secure and have human dignity to understand there are things we are master of, and there are things others are really good at and there are things we are still in learning phase. So lets be there for others where we are strong and lets be very comfortable asking help where we have some other person incharge and lets appreciate each other in the stream of learning and growth and comfort. This injected independence is creating ‘Mistrust’ ; result Distress. it creates ‘Competition’, result: Scarcity thinking (Universe has limited resources so if one person will get others will lack,) No!!! That's not true We have abundance. Competition never let people establish a good friendship. And no it does not always motivates or enhance quality. It mostly creates shortcuts, sly