Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 4, Issue - 2, 1 August 2019 | Page 12
Inner child work is one of the most important work in hypnotherapy. And I
believe everyone - yes you heard it right….. Everyone must go for it.
When We grow up we went through lots of changes in our life many of
them come across as trauma as perceived by us. Some of them can be
so shocking that our conscious memory choose to forget that so that we
may be able to function properly without being troubled by its pain
constantly. But that does not mean that it does not alter our personality.
Or change the way we see and perceive things and world. Not many of
us know that a part of us is been left there separated from us. Really
Well!! we think its for better but most of the time its not. Then what just
happens at those trauma laden pasts. Well ! We all use this expression “it
felt like I have left a part of me there”. And, little did we know that, yes thats
exactly what had happened you did leave a part of you at the same turn.
Which is creating emotional deficiency in your life at a different level and
creating various situation.:
A. Certain bad patterns in life.
B. Attract bad relationships.
C. Low sense of self worth.
D. Bad work relationships no matter where we work.
E. Lack of confidence.
F. Access Anger
G. Fear of failure.
H. Tendency to sabotage your own efforts.
Unexplained pains.