Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, issue 12, 1 June 2020 | Page 6

do with themselves. These people are wonderful with children and make loving, supportive parents. The person influenced by number 6 will give comfort and help when needed, always, as they are motivated by a sense of duty to their fellowman, and find joy in serving others. Number 6 gives people the opportunity to develop a clear idea of right and wrong – and the consequences that link cause and effect. The 6 vibration represents truth, order, justice and economy. 6 people will have many opportunities in their life to learn their responsibilities, and to be of service to humanity. The 6 energy will fight for their ideals and principles, and represents someone who is deeply concerned for others. 6 has the greatest depth of emotion of all the numbers, and they feel very deeply about everything. At times they are deep and serious and have a great inner-knowing. This intuitive energy needs to be developed and used for the highest good. JUNE - The Month if you are born in it… And somethings for everyone to follow in order to get most out of this Six energy…….. THE MONTH OF JUNE June is the 6 th month of the year and breaks down to the number 6 in Numerology. 6 is considered a very 'magnetic' energy and is the number of nurturing and family. June is a good month to take a fresh look at your home, family and relationships. How is your marriage doing? What could you do to improve it? How are you getting along with your children, your parents, your siblings? June is an excellent month to clear the air and solve problems with family members or other close relationships. If there is any discord, now is a good time to sit down and have a good chat and look at ways to bring peace and harmony to the family. Send flowers, get tickets to the movies or just make that long overdue phone call. Your efforts have extra power in the month of June because 6 is conducive to love and healing on all levels.