Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, issue 12, 1 June 2020 | Page 40

Later, the diamond came into the possession of Babur who renamed Kohinoor as ‘Babur diamond’. Subsequently his son Humayun came to power and this diamond passed on to his treasury. With great vanity he became the master of this diamond and troubles began to appear for him. He was soon defeated by Sher Shah Suri. Perhaps, Akbar had premonitions about this diamond and he never entertained it in his Palace. Thus he was safe. Then came Shah Jahan who built the famous Taj Mahal. He was enchanted by this diamond and placed it on his famous peacock throne. Trouble started for him as his son Aurangzeb imprisoned him. Aurangzeb was happy to possess the diamond. He was not happy with its shining and engaged a lapidary (specialist in shaping and cutting diamonds) to do something with this diamond. But his work was not satisfactory and the weight of this diamond was reduced to 186 carats from 793 carats. Aurangzeb, who had heard of the misery of his predecessors possessing it, cleverly gave it to the Badshahi Mosque. Persian emperor Nadir Shah (1688-1747 AD) of Iran invaded Delhi Sultanate and carried away gold and diamonds from the mosque and Kohinoor fell into his hands. Nadir Shah carried away the peacock throne and Kohinoor to Persia (modern Iran). However, he was assassinated in 1747 AD and Kohinoor came into the possession of his army chief Ahmad Shah Durrani of Afghanistan. He was thrown out of the palace but managed to run away to Lahore where Ranjit Singh defeated him and took away the Kohinoor. Ranjith Singh kept this diamond with him but when he was about to die, he asked his family to donate it to the temple of Lord Jagannath of Puri, now in Odisha. But the British occupied Lahore in 1849 AD. The British proclaimed that Ranjith Singh had given this Kohinoor to the queen of England. Ranjit Singh’s son Dulip Singh, aged only 13, travelled to London and presented the Kohinoor to queen Victoria. Even British were not lucky to have this precious diamond. Shortly after the Indian mutiny of 1857, British Empire started to decline and India won independence.