Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, issue 12, 1 June 2020 | Page 30

2. Relax your mind Learning how to relax (https://lonerwolf.com/how-to-relax/) your mind is the most important part of automatic writing. When your mind is still and empty of thoughts, writing spontaneously becomes much easier. Examples of possible ways you can relax your mind include: Meditation
 Deep breathing
 Mindfulness (https://lonerwolf.com/mindfulness-practices/) Visualisation
 Yoga Do whatever suits you and relaxes you the most. 3. Enter a gentle trance As humans, we have the capacity to enter trance-like states very easily. The most popular trance state we enter into is while watching TV! A trance-like state is a form of altered consciousness in which your normal thinking brain relaxes. For automatic writing, entering a trance is very useful because it facilitates the spontaneous flow of information. Common ways to enter into a gentle trance include listening to music, yogic/holotropic breathing, mantras repetitive tasks, guided meditations, self-hypnosis, and many others. Choose whatever works best for you, and don’t be shy with experimenting. I personally like listening to calming music and blending that with mindfulness or meditation. 4. Allow the fIow of information Once you feel ready you can begin to write. Don’t worry if at first the words are gobbledygook or if you can’t follow the stream of information. In fact, if you’re completely unaware of what you’re writing, that’s actually a very good thing! It means that you’re tapping into something that is far greater than your thinking mind.