Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, issue 12, 1 June 2020 | Page 15
anybody tell you that the person who likes to take their socks off with you
during Law & Order isn′t a soulmate. That′s far too in the range of weird and
out of the range of normal for it to be anything else.
After meeting, you will soon find out these strange things. These include, you
were born in the same hospital, your parents worked in the same company
together for years, things of this nature. There are thousands of real-life
stories about things like this.
You might be two fundamentally different people on the outside, say you have
a twenty year age difference for example, but when you take time to explore
each other, these very strange common themes will begin to show up.
Ronald and Nancy Reagan met when he was President of the Screen Actors
Guild and she needed his legal help. Someone had published her name in a
racist publication and she wanted it removed. Their decades together had
nothing to do with either of those freakish experiences, but she went to her
grave believing they were soul mates.
Nancy Reagan also regularly had astrologers on hand in the White House to
help her hone those love compatibility skills of hers. The same freakish things
should apply to your relationship.
5. Everything just seems easy, or makes sense all the
This is the feeling that makes people say, “you just know.” It′s because
everything seems so easy with this person, all of the time, and why would you
ever want anything else? You know it′s a feeling you’ve never felt before, and
even that makes sense, which is why it′s called crazy love.
You can be yourself with this person because you instinctively know
they will accept you, because they probably already have before. It′s not
just you, they feel it too. Both souls in this connection just feel like this
experience with this person makes perfect sense, or just feels easy…most of
the time.
For soul mates and twin flames this is like the Dixie Chicks song “Easy
Silence.” No matter what craziness is happening in the world, you feel peace
when you are with them.