Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 4 Issue- 10, 1 April 2020 | Page 8

When I saw this map there was something interesting that caught my eye. Firstly that the most advanced & most well organised nations and regions the world have been hit the most barring a few exceptions and secondly that the regions falling within the Tropics too have a comparative low incidence of the pandemic. These observations are debatable & many of you may refute the logic, yet if you go by the key factor in of any pandemic spread its the immunity. Simply put lower the overall immunity of a population, higher are it's chances of infection and overall casualties. Once there is a global pandemic, most of the world population in one way or the other will get exposed to the pathogen, but the way that population or that region fares in face of the situation will depend largely on the overall immunity of its people. Coming to the low incidence of Covid-19 cases in the tropical regions, the only reasonable logic is the long hours of abundant sunlight in these regions. We all since time immemorial know that sunlight not just sustains the life on earth but is also a key factor in boosting immunity, so no surprise that the people in this region unknown to them have been gifted a relatively higher immunity compared to their counterparts who are further away from the equator. People who have been confined indoors for long, like most of the inmates of a prison who don't get much sun, show sharp decline in their overall health due to lowering of their immunity in absence of fresh air and sun. Immunity, thus is the word in the current situation. Factors like social distancing too are critical to ensure that masses don't get exposed to people already infected still key focus of us all must be to ensure that we keep our immunity high in this moment. Guess it's time we figure out that walking & playing in mud & soil, eating and drinking not so sterilised food, breathing the little dust smoky air outside instead of the pure ionised & oxy-infused air from our air conditioners within our offices & homes, basking in sun and letting nature treat us as we were born, are not so bad choices overall, for when we are out in lap of nature, living life the way it is, we give our bodies a chance to