Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 4 Issue- 10, 1 April 2020 | Page 3

clearance in time or else threaten to spiral out of control… So; how am I to go about them all at once? Well, I have focused on one task ‘love,’ and grow in my energies and, like light in dark; It all becomes visible. As a picture grows bigger and bigger shrinking that negative yet defining space behind it. Wisdom grows… Yet ‘Stupidities’ hereafter, ‘Wisdom,’ and wisdom is wisdom, when we can see stupidities with ruthless honesty while shift, change and grow - meanwhile , balancing on them….. Balancing values!!! Hummm…. Are we hearing ZEN around…… OM Shanti……. for this month’s delicacies we have some very palatable and savouring reads here……… A Prakash : A very comprehensive study of pandemic and its effects as well as outcome (based on data available now) Aletheia Luna: “How to Love yourself - An absolute beginner’s guide” Wow !! so finally we have a hand book on the most needed skill for every human being. Dr. Bruce E, Kaloski :“Hypnosis and weight loss” Part - 3 guys do not miss this series no matter what…. It’s so important specially now…. when stress is all time high. Neha Sharma: “Let Go” A personally retrospective and very relatable perspective, One can have some other version of that like now a days there is a lot we need to let go and come to realise a very new 2