Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, Issue - 1, 1 July 2019 | Page 47

Number 9s are in love with the idea of being in love as they adore romantic gestures and are easily won over by candlelit dinners and poetry. Once 9s fall in love they will swear their undying love and devotion, although this will not necessarily be reciprocated by the object of their desire. If they receive a cautious response they may decide that the relationship is not for them and will look elsewhere. Number 9s thrive on passion and excitement and a relationship lacking these qualities is unlikely to satisfy them. Relationships are very important to number 9s and they will be loving and affectionate partners who will ensure that romance and passion are kept alive in their relationships. However, their emotional and passionate natures can cause problems as they are very susceptible to jealousy and are likely to create scenes and throw tantrums if they feel they have grounds for suspicion or are faced with the behaviour of a flirtatious partner. 9s can sometimes be quick to choose to leave a relationship or situation that they feel is no longer positively serving them or has served its purpose in their lives. When they recognise that something is over and done with for them, they take quick action to end it fully. 9 is quick to cut ties. This can seem harsh to those left behind, but ultimately 9 has done them a favour by allowing them the freedom to pursue a more suitable partnership, relationship or situation. When it comes to matters of the heart, those influences by the number 9 are committed, loving, protective partners who show positive leadership and light within relationships and partnerships, and serve as positive examples for others to follow. 9s love deeply and once committed they like to know that their partner ‘has their back’ within the relationship as well as out in the wider world. They like to know that it is a true partnership in every way and like to present a picture of unity, equality and togetherness. An ideal partner for the number 9 individual would be someone who is strong-willed yet flexible, compassionate but not a pushover, and intelligent and supportive of 9s ideals and strong sense of ‘being’. Joanne Walmsley     Sacred Scribes Australia