Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, Issue - 1, 1 July 2019 | Page 39
manoeuvre and/or manipulate you towards their way of thinking and doing
anyway. They do this out of love, of course.
Number 3’s have high expectations for their partners. Their ideal partners
are exceptionally attractive and are individuals who stand out from the
crowd. Relationships with number 3’s can be very romantic affairs filled with
poetry and flowers.
Finding a partner will not be difficult for number 3’s, but they should choose
people with similar interests if they are hoping for a long-term commitment.
For a lasting relationship, Number 3’s need to find someone who shares
their fondness for socialising and romance.
It is not surprising that a number 3 person is often disappointed once they
settle down into a relationship and find themselves discussing mundane
things such as whose turn it is to do the dishes. Number 3s need
excitement and romance, and if faced with domestic drudgery may look
elsewhere for excitement. Number 3s are naturally flirtatious people and
they will find that they have a great many admirers.
3s love to have fun and to share their sense of humour with loved ones,
friends, acquaintances and the world at large. They are charismatic, quick-
witted and sociable and enjoy the companionship of like-minded or like-
souled individuals.
Part of their life purpose is to bring joy to others’ lives, and to share love and
light to those who particularly need it.
Those under the influences of number 3 can easily be brought down by
partners and/or loved ones who have grumpy, pessimistic world views or
who find it difficult to be uplifted by 3’s optimism and positive disposition. 3s
will continue to shine their light regardless, but can find it emotionally
draining trying to balance their positive energies with others’ negative vibes.
3s are charming, funny and quick-minded and enjoy partners who also have
a great sense of humour and who love to talk and laugh. 3s love
conversation and social interactions so an ideal partner should enjoy the
company of others, as well as nights out on the town.
3s often use humour to quell any disharmony, so a partner who
understands their quirkiness can recognize when a 3 person wants peace
and calm between them.