Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, Issue - 1, 1 July 2019 | Page 33
Toward the end of this stage, there is more of an emphasis on
teaching rather than simply learning: passing on the lessons
learned, showing others the way, imparting their spiritual wisdom
to others, sharing all that they have gained through their stages,
to help others find peace, joy, and acceptance in life, and an urge
to pass on the torch before the end of their incarnations. For
some, the teaching focus is explicitly spiritual. Many of the world’s
great spiritual teachers are Old Souls.
That’s not to say that every self-proclaimed guru is an Old Soul.
Some are later stage Mature Souls. But, as a spiritual teacher, the
advanced Old Soul has certain characteristics that stand out from
the rest. These include far-reaching wisdom, great compassion,
and little or no attachment to material things.
While, as we have said, Old Souls are not interesting in
pursuing fame and fortune, this does not mean that they live their
lives in the depths of financial poverty. On the contrary, many of
them enjoy exceptional financial abundance and prosperity. But it
is not something they ardently and vigorously pursue with an
obsessed, single-minded purpose like the Young Soul; rather it is
something that naturally “finds” them, most likely as a result of
being able to intuitively integrate the knowledge and experience of
those prior lives when they enjoyed financial abundance and
prosperity. (Remember the “Personal and Professional
Development” Past Life Regression Session discussed in Chapter
If they’re not born with “a silver spoon in their mouth”, most Old
Souls (at all levels) come about their financial abundance later on
in their individual lifetimes as, in the case of spiritual teachers,
they bear the rewards of helping others find peace, joy, and
acceptance in life. Or their more worldly joys and passions may