Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, Issue - 1, 1 July 2019 | Page 28

capable of committing antisocial or immoral acts without any sense of wrongdoing. In Part 3, we discussed the second of these five stages, the Baby Stage. Both their beliefs and their actions are largely rule-bound, so they are often ultra-conservative, traditionalist, orthodox, upright, moralistic, fundamentalist, religiously devout, and mindful of law and order. Possessed with a strong sense of ‘us’ vs. ‘them’, they believe that by focusing on living up to their code of beliefs and doing everything to help “us”, they are living a ‘good’ and sometimes ‘righteous’ life. If people don't conform to their personal paradigms they will routinely label them as wrong, bad, sinful or even evil. The Baby Soul’s learning assignment is how to balance their personal will with the greater collective will; on how to best fit into society and help that society to succeed. Their primary life lesson before moving on to the next stage of soul evolution is that sometimes rules are made to be broken. In Part 4 we discussed the Young Soul Stage. The soul that reaches this stage wants to leave the rigid conformity of the Baby Stage behind and focus totally on his or her own individuality. These people are success oriented and they set high standards of achievement for themselves. Financial success and power is of paramount importance to them. They’re quite competitive, so you’ll often find them in areas that focus on competition (athletics, sales, business, politics, etc.). Young Souls tend to be extroverted, worldly, frenetically energetic, brash, competitive, political, ambitious and individualistic. Driven to build things, to stand out, to do remarkable things, these are the quintessential entrepreneurs.