Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, Issue - 1, 1 July 2019 | Page 24

1. Use a cotton soaked in cardamom oil and put it between painful teeth to relieve pain. 2. Use cardamom decoction to relieve from nausea & vomiting. 3. Use decoction for gargles in bad breath problem. HING / ASAPHOETIDA One of the main tadka (seasoning) ingredients. LATIN NAME : Ferula narthex QUALITIES : TASTE : Pungent. POTENCY : Hot Has light to digest & unctuous , piercing properties. Balances Kapha & Vata , may raise Pitta levels MEDICINAL VALUES : 1. It is carminative, increases metabolism, hence its usually used in cooking recipes which are heavy to digest. 2. It is a natural blood thinning agent and a cardiac tonic. 3. Used in medicines to reduce high blood pressure. 4. Very effective in relieving abdominal pain & bloating 5. It is used in worm infestation medicine & also helps in relieving constipation. HOME REMEDIES : 1. In indigestion, take 2 pinch of ‘Hing’ with ‘Ghee’.