Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, Issue - 1, 1 July 2019 | Page 17
After long gap of previous write ups on Ayurveda, I got an opportunity
to write a new article on this very interesting topic ' Importance of indian
spices & its medicinal value'.
. In our Indian cooking recepies, we use lots of spices, but why we use
it? Who included spices in our recepies? How it helps us? Interesting
questions , isn't it?
Lets enlighten ourself with this very important information.
. In our Indian recipes, we use varieties of fruits, leafy vegetables,
sprouts, ‘kand', meat & many more varieties, this wholesome food after
digestion converts into nutritive juice, blood, muscles, fat, bones etc.
But what if this wholesome food doesn't get digested properly? From this
undigested food, how can healthy tissues will be formed? And this half
digestion creates a byproduct called 'Ama'. This sticky Ama blocks micro
channels in our body & obstructs the flow of nutrients from reaching their
destination, also obstructs the flow of 3 ‘doshas'; & that is the root cause
of almost all diseases. Ama binds with 3 ‘doshas’ & other nutrients & alter
the quality of it. This results in low immunity, heaviness, low healing
power, dullness, loss of apetite & plenty of other symptoms. So only
eating healthy & wholsome is of no use if it doesn't get digested properly.
. Here the spices comes to duty to help in digestion of healthy food.
Ayurveda knew those thousand years back hence they included spices in
our Indian cooking recipes. We usually use spices to add aroma to our
dishes, but it does way more than that.
. We usually call spices a Ama fighters. It does not only aid digestion but
also helps in eliminate ‘ama' from micro channels. One more important
task of spices is to kindle our ‘Agni’ that is ‘The Digestive Fire’. It also
add taste to cooked food. And also improve taste in our mouth , also