Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 3, Special Mega Annual Issue 15 June 2019 | Page 18

The Mature Soul’s learning assignment is to understand the interconnectedness of human beings and the depths of the nature of Self. Empathy is a core value that they are learning and experiencing. They work to understand another’s perspective, as they see all perspectives as valid, and they gradually come to a greater understanding of what may motivate different behaviors. As mentioned, this can cause a bit of confusion when there is a conflict between what they know and what the other sees. As a result, the Mature Soul will often look toward their own faults, and can be quite self-critical. The opportunity is to move beyond blaming themselves to discovering the Higher Truths. Next month we’ll look at the Old Soul. Dr. Bruce E. Kaloski, Ph.D. CaliforniaClinical Hypnotherapist Past Life Regression Therapist Author, Lecturer, Trainer Website: www.doctorkaloski.com E-mail:drkaloski@gmail.com 7