Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume -3, Issue - 9, 1 March 2019 | Page 36
There, My client experienced a very beautiful session of, “Life between
He was in the realm of Light, feeling ‘Extremely Happy’ (as he described
(verbatim) there he saw his opponent (as he chose to call his former
partner.) they stood in front of each other and discussed things like what
went wrong and now, what can be done about it. Further with forgiveness
they blessed each other and released one another. Tears were flowing and
emotions were out of control.
Then, he went through this whole experience of seeing star and getting the
instruction to follow it and reach to a place full of “Light” which he chose to
call “Heaven” He had experienced the brilliance of pure white light. Which
was exhilarating as his voice reactions were full of pure joy.
He has been through a very exhilarating experience; so much so that he
was not willing to come out of trance. His response was: “I am so happy
here, I am at peace I am contended”.
I found peace with my situation. And whats going on; and, I hope it will get
better from here. Quoted: after he came out of trance with much coaxing
and gentle requests.
This was a surreal session whole experience cannot be put into words.
Light’s magic be continued.
Love and Light
Varsha Dwivedi (C.Ht.)
-Clinical Hypnotherapist
-Past Life regression therapist
-Life between Life Therapist
-Spiritual Hypnotherapist
-Crystal Healer-Tarot Reader
-NLP, trainer to the Coaches
-Master practitioner and coach of NLP (Neuro linguistic
Programming) & Subconscious Re - Imprinting
-Marm “Vedic Science” Therapist.
Email: [email protected]