Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume -3, Issue - 9, 1 March 2019 | Page 28

liver and kidneys, helps with thyroid imbalance and has beneficial effects on the intestines, spleen, stomach and bladder. YELLOW stimulates cleansing via the liver. YELLOW fortifies the entire digestive system as it stimulates the digestive juices and the flow of lymphatic fluids. YELLOW strengthens the nervous system and purifies the blood. In Colour Healing, YELLOW is used to benefit the adrenal glands, gallbladder, muscles, liver, the pancreas and stomach. Illnesses that can be treated with YELLOW are arthritis, allergies, coughs, constipation, depression, diabetes, gallstones, eczema, hiatus hernia, hypothyroidism, indigestion, lymphatic congestion, obesity and motion sickness. YELLOW has a tonic effect on the nervous system and is stimulating to the mind and overall health. YELLOW may strengthen the teeth and bones, and helps the body heal wounds. YELLOW helps to keep the skin healthy and maintain good eyesight. YELLOW helps the pores of the skin and aids scarred tissue in healing itself. YELLOW is used to treat psychological problems such as mental exhaustion, depression, melancholy and the inability to concentrate. The colour YELLOW helps a weak memory and is great in skin care treatment. YELLOW stimulates the ‘psychic centre’ and can be used to treat psychic burn-out or other psychic-related conditions or ailments. YELLOW is a nerve stimulant, and can be helpful with depression, tension and fear, and can soothe mental exhaustion. The healing power of YELLOW works on fear and gradually releases the tension from a fearful experience or situation. YELLOW is very healing for critical, judgemental and verbally aggressive people as it stimulates flexibility and adaptability to change. YELLOW can stimulate clear-thinking, new ideas and creativity. It can help to sharpen the mind and improve memory, as well as with decision making. YELLOW helps us to release and let go of negativity. HEALING with RED