Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume -3, Issue - 9, 1 March 2019 | Page 26

BLUE allows for clear communication and the healing vibration of blue can be used to unblock and open the flow of energy where it is stagnant and/or blocked. BLUE is extremely liberating for those who have become resistant to change and rigidity in thought. HEALING with PINK PINK has many beneficial healing properties and is the colour of ‘cosmic love’ and ‘unconditional love’. Bright PINKS stimulate energy and can increase the blood pressure, respiration, heartbeat and pulse rate. Bright PINK encourages action and confidence. PINK has a warming affect on the mind and helps to restore youth. It combats and eases over-eating, obesity, childbirth, pregnancy, adrenal activity, and emotional healing. In colour healing and therapy, PINK treats conditions to do with a lack of self- love, a feeling of loneliness and of feeling unloved. It brings an awareness of your life purpose and soul mission PINK promotes self-realisation and unconditional love of the Self and others, alleviates jealousy, alleviates grief and sadness, and awareness of deepest emotions and feelings. PINK alleviates feelings of irritability and anger, and surrounds us with protection and a sense of love and comfort. PINK also assists with feelings of unhappiness, vulnerability, loneliness and over-sensitivity. PINK is used for soothing and calming emotional and mental issues and is very relaxing and soothing and promotes feelings of contentment, caring and tenderness. PINK should not be used for treating quick-tempered or nervous people. Excessive PINK may incline towards excessive passivity. HEALING with BROWN In colour therapy and healing, BROWN is used as a stabiliser that can aid hyperactivity, hypertension, panic attacks and anxiety as it is grounding,