Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume -3, Issue - 9, 1 March 2019 | Page 23

Mature and Old. By having a deeper understanding of the stage we are in, we can focus more on what it is we are here to do i.e., our Life Purpose, and gain a deeper understanding of what might drive some of our actions and beliefs. There is also a doctrine which holds that, within the 5 stages of soul evolution, there are 35 steps (7 per stage) in the reincarnation process. During this stage we focus on issues of survival such as shelter, life and death, learning how to control impulses. Infant Souls often live on the fringes of society. Without loving guidance from older souls who teach them the difference between right and wrong, Infant Souls may react violently to perceived threats and lash out physically. Some may even be deemed to be psychopathic or have some sort of developmental disorder. Psychologically, they are naïve and impulsive, acting on impulse or habit with little or no thought for consequences. Because they lack both social understanding and self-inhibition, they are capable of committing antisocial or immoral acts without any sense of wrongdoing. Let’s continue our discussion of the stages of soul evolution by taking a look at the first of these, the Infant Stage. The Infant Soul’s experience of life is simple, earthy, and primitive. Usually, those who are at this stage are not frequently found in mainstream society, but tend to incarnate in environments closer to nature (rural, tribal, etc.), where the options of life are simpler and they can focus their energies on physical survival and the natural environment. They are often ‘outcasts’ and feel overwhelmed by the choices of modern society because of their inability to ‘fit in’. However, they occasionally can be found in cities. (These souls may be preparing to evolve to the next stage and need to get a feel for what it’s like to interact in a larger society). People that are currently working through the Infant Stage of their soul’s evolution will have a harder time regulating themselves, are impulsive in nature and prone to violence. They may be more likely to be anti-social and sometimes turn their violent tendencies to murder because they haven't yet figured out how to fit into society. Mass murderers and serial killers are generally Infant Souls. These people simply follow their whims, having little understanding of themselves, morality, or how they fit into society as a whole. All souls, regardless of age, have something to learn. This is an intrinsic part of the soul’s journey through eternity. Think of this as a homework or learning assignment from the Creator for, indeed, that’s exactly what it is. For