Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3, Issue - 8, 1, February 2019 | Page 6

Thursday, 24 January 2019 3 rd January 2016 EnHty-release EnHty (Spirit) informed that it had to leave its body as it died in a Car- Truck accident in 1960 Accident was confirmed by official records of that country Hypnosis is a true spiritual science that is beyond Hme and space. 14 th April 2018 MiniaturizaHo n and repair Client who was a MD (medical doctor) already underwent angioplasty earlier and now again experiencing severe symptoms Soon aZer the session the client felt relief and is symptom-free Hll date Hypnosis is a true spiritual science that is beyond Hme and space. 17 th June 2018 Client’s blood sugar levels were not coming normal even aZer taking high doses of Insulin Client’s father also was diabeHc and client was carrying a soul fragment of him that was released. AZer this session client’s sugar levels are under control Hll date in spite of lower dose of insulin and medicaHon. AZer this session client’s sugar levels are under control Hll date in spite of lower dose of insulin and medicaHon. Entity-release 2