Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3, Issue - 8, 1, February 2019 | Page 24
A person with a lot of pink in their Aura always indicates a very loving and
giving person, and it also tells of a quiet, refined and modest type of person.
Pink in the aura denotes a quiet, refined and modest type of person and it is a
colour that is seldom seen in a dogmatic type of person . Lots of pink in the
aura signifies a person with great lasting devotion . It is the colour of
compassion, love and purity.
Deep rose pink is the symbol of unselfish or unconditional love.
Muddy pink reflects immaturity.
Orange expresses the vital force or energy of the sun. The strong orange
suggests a person who is very energetic, active and vital. These people can
dominate others purely by the force of their vitality.
Muddy orange reflects worry and vanity.
Ancient writers regarded orange as being expressive of wisdom and
reasoning powers and saw people with this colour as being well balanced
Yellow is the fourth basic colour tone, but is one that is rarely seen . When
seen, it is an indication of those who have achieved the goal of escape from
the wheel of rebirth on the earth plane , and have returned to offer Spiritual
food to their brothers. These individuals can be assumed to have voluntarily
taken on the limitations and restrictions of earth life in order to perform a
particular Spiritual path for the upliftment of mankind.
Yellow can be equated to the God realization or Christ consciousness of
these individuals who have turned back to earth to radiate the Light of their
Spirituality on their brothers who are still in need of assistance.
Yellow (except for the muddier shades) is a good aspect in the aura. Yellow
symbolizes thought and mental concentration. When this colour dominates, it
indicates strong intellect.
Bright golden yellow suggests a depth of Spiritual qualities. Yellow rays have
the power to dispel fear and worry . Yellow has a tonic element for certain
forms of nervousness and is stimulating to health and mind.