Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 3, Issue - 7, 1 January 2019 | Page 18

Thursday, 20 December 2018 Despite the great strides made toward understanding the brain, the knowledge of precisely how the brain transforms 10 watts of electrical power into memories, thoughts, feelings, emotions, habits, behaviors, attitudes and a whole host of other functions still eludes researchers in the field. However, much is known today about the brain that were mysteries only a generation ago. We know that the average brain contains between 10 to 15 billion cells called neurons. A typical neuron may make over ten thousand electrical connections, called synapses, with other cells. The total number of synapses that take place within the brain is probably on the order of 10 trillion. In any one second of brain activity there are hundreds of billions of impulses flashing through the brain. The neurons communicate with each other through neural pathways which connect one part of the brain with another and usually consist of bundles of elongated, myelin-insulated neurons, known collectively as white matter. Neural pathways serve to connect relatively distant areas of the brain, such as the limbic system, thalamus, hypothalamus, basal ganglia, cerebellum and reticular activating system, compared to the local communication of gray matter, such as the cerebral cortex. However, all these parts interact with one another. Neural pathways are like superhighways (freeways to you Californians) of nerve cells that transmit messages. As a thought, in the form of electrical impulse, travels over the superhighway many times, the pathway becomes more and more solid, and that forms a brain pathway. Thus habits, beliefs, behaviors, attitudes and paradigms become established – sometimes to our detriment. Knowing the cause and resolving the effects of it are two entirely different things. While having their genesis in a past life or lives, maladaptive behavior, habits, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and paradigms, even after the Past Life causative factors are expiated, may continue to exert an influence - albeit in most cases not as strongly as they were prior to Past Life therapy. And this is because of the neural pathways established in the physical brain. 16