Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3, Issue - 6, 1 December 2018 | Page 26
Sunday, 25 November 2018
You and Your Birth Month
Do you ever get curious if your birth date mean anything? Sharing
something from my PLR book:
"Month of your birth shows your karmic lesson for this lifetime in relation to
your family (bloodline or clan). People that avoid working through this
lesson will be placed into the similar but increasingly more challenging life
situations continuously. Once you “pass this exam” your life will improve
January – if you were born in this month, you have volunteered to help
your siblings to correct mistakes made in the past or present lifetime. Most
likely, your siblings are not easy to get along with. They must have
continuously made very poor choices to accumulate such amount of
negative karma, and now you have to help them to work through that
karma. You must try your best to support them and help to make the right
choices. Avoid judging and becoming resentful towards your siblings. They
need your love. You are an older soul. Approximate age is 7,500 years or
older. You are highly evolved spiritually and intellectually. You can make a
great psychologist, healer or spiritual teacher.
February – if you are born in this month, you came to learn from your
grandparents. Most likely, you have a much stronger bond with your
grandparents than the bond you have with your mom and dad. Your lesson
is to learn kindness and compassion by taking care of one or both of your
grandparents. If for whatever reason you won’t work through this lesson
with your grandparent, later in life, you may find yourself in a situation