Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3, Issue - 6, 1 December 2018 | Page 24
The Heart Chakra is located between the shoulder blades, and is in line with
the heart. This Chakra is seen as GREEN, PINK or the combination of the
The Heart Chakra is the 'Harmonizing Element' and relates to the thymus
gland, lungs, heart, arms and hands.
When open and balanced, this Chakra gives one the genuine ability to give
and receive, and compassion develops. The Heart Chakra also relates to
Unconditional Love on all levels.
Green and Pink
The colour for the Heart Chakra is GREEN, although some people visualise it
as PINK, or a combination of the two.
Green is the colour of balance, peace and harmony.Green loosens and
equalizes the 'etheric' body and is the colour of:energy, youth, growth,
inexperience, fertility and new life.
Pink is the colour which represents love and Unconditional Love on all levels.
The Throat Chakra is BLUE, and is located at the front of the throat and the
base of the skull. It is our 'Communication Centre’ and relates to the neck and
The Throat Chakra represents the power to communicate verbally, and
activating this Chakra brings telepathy into consciousness. When the Throat
Chakra is opened and balanced, the powers of communication and creativity
come to life, adding a new dimension to our comprehension of 'experience'.
Blue represents: inspiration, healing on all levels, peace of mind and
Blue raises the consciousness to the realm of Spirit and is the colour to use in
meditation.Blue is also the colour which is used to increase the metabolism
and it builds vitality, yet is cooling and soothing.
The BROW CHAKRA (3rd Eye)
The 3rd Eye, or Brow Chakra is INDIGO and is located at the centre of the
forehead, above the nose.It relates to the pineal gland, the eyes, sound, smell
and the two hemispheres of the brain. This is the centre for 'Inspiration and
Intuition'. It is also known and the 'Command Centre.'