Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3, Issue - 6, 1 December 2018 | Page 22

COLOUR HEALING and the CHAKRAS COLOURS of the CHAKRAS The art of Chromotherapy, or ‘Colour Healing’ is an ancient one and can be traced back to early Egyptian times.The Hindus have used colour and it's healing benefits, as part of their Ayurvedic medicine system since ancient times. In England it is recognised by the medical profession as well as alternative therapists of all kinds, as a powerful aid to recovery and healing.The interiors of their medical buildings, hospitals and Healing Centres are painted in appropriate healing colours to correspond with patient's dis-eases. All Colours tell a story This story is like the weaving of our lives and as our lives change constantly, so too do the colours that surround us. Each human (and living thing) on the Earth plane has their own personal colours around them, and these colours can change from second to second depending upon what is happening in their life, and even as there are particular mood changes. The field of colours that surround us all, is known as the 'Aura'. The Aura and it's colours, are in constant movement. The human body has 7 main Chakras. Each of these Chakras resonates with a Colour: RED ORANGE YELLOW GREEN/PINK BLUE INDIGO WHITE/VIOLET