Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3, Issue - 6, 1 December 2018 | Page 20

Monday, 26 November 2018 You will be managing your challenges with a positive attitude. Desert Rose will guide and support you in your endeavours so that you will fulfil your money dreams! Desert Rose, Love and Relationships Desert Rose is known for its lovely energies of strengthening relationships and inviting more love, peace, and harmony between two people. It will encourage friendships between lovers. This stone will remind you of the importance of being the best of friends. Your relationship will undergo several stages and face different challenges. You will not always be head over heels in love with your partner because the feelings will change into something else. The passion will wane, but the friendship will only strengthen over time! Desert Rose will also enhance the warmth and the closeness between you and your partner, which makes this stone a perfect stone to place in the bedroom! It will bridge the gap and unleash the inhibitions. This stone will also bring positive energies in your relationship. It will promote positive change in you and your partner, and it will help your relationship evolve to something better. It will remove the stress, tension, or stagnation in your relationship. With the guidance of this stone, you will be able to enjoy loving and being loved! This stone will also imbue you with self-confidence to be a better partner in both the romantic and sexual sense of the word! Despite the softness of the petals of a rose, this stone will help you stand your ground and face any challenge or hardship. It’s a comforting presence reassuring you that even if nothing seems to be going right in your relationship, your relationship holds weight and will not crumble and collapse just like that! How to Use Desert Rose for the Best Results Desert Rose makes for very beautiful home decorations, and it also makes very elegant gifts! However, extended exposure to water will change its formation. Keep it away from wet places like the bathroom, the kitchen sink, or the poolside. It’s a soft mineral that should always be kept dry. It should also be cleansed by smudging or with moonlight. 5