Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3, Issue - 6, 1 December 2018 | Page 18

Monday, 26 November 2018 this stone will bolster your confidence and give you plenty of opportunities to show what you can do! How will Desert Rose Help You In Relationship? • Desert Rose can help increase your sex drive and aid in fertility. • It is an ideal crystal to sustain Long term relationship. • It develops a long term friendship between couple and help them sustain during tough times. • Its an ideal stone for bedroom. As it takes away inhibitions and make you more close to your partner I • If their are issues going on in your marriage keep it in your bedroom it is most likely to heal and restrengthen the bond Desert Rose, Healing and Health Desert Rose has plenty of healing properties that can be beneficial to your physical body. its known to help with muscular flexibility and in the regeneration of tissues. It can also do wonders for the skin because it can enhance and renew the elasticity of the skin and the tissue. The healing energies of Desert rose can also help treat chronic fatigue and release you from unhealthy addictions. Stone can highlight the subconscious thought patterns that are leading to you to your addictions, and it can release you from their grasp! (*Its good for Hypnotherapists to keep desert rose close by when helping a client leaving his/her addiction.) Desert Rose is helpful with travel sickness and nausea. 3