Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3, Issue - 4, October 2018 | Page 39

7. What is the common challenge (s) you come across as a therapist ? Ans : ‘Self doubts’ and prejudices about hypnosis. (All based on culture books and movies) are the most common primary issues that I have found as impediments to healing. For rest all can be healed and resolved with patience and perseverance if the client is ‘Open’ and ‘Receptive’ to healing. 8. How do you resolve them? Ans: I feel that the best way to help and guide the client to identify his or her own individual versions of ‘Healing’ that he /she feels will work for them. once they are ready and open to heal and resolved their issues, we can work with them using the tools and protocols that suit them best and yes at times invaluable insights and guidance from ‘Masters’ also comes handy in real tricky cases. 9. Please explain hypnotherapy in your words. Ans: Hypnotherapy to me is a divine gift that facilitate an individuals healing and evolution by ‘Connecting’ the ‘Conscious Being’ with the individual’s ‘Higher Self’ Hypnotherapy per se is quite like a guided meditation where the therapist is your guide, facilitating client’s ‘Self Healing’. Because’ In reality its the client who actually manifest the healing by his openness and receptivity and the therapist is just the facilitator. Lastly I like to add that owing to the role of therapist being the facilitator and guide who opens the door of subconscious his task is that of a very high responsibility almost ‘Sacred’ for he holds the hand as the client walks int the realm of his higher self. Thank you Prakash. Its Incredible You may contact Prakash @ A Prakash C.Ht. Clinical Hypnotherapist Past Life Regression Therapist Life between Lives Therapist Spiritual Hypnotherapist Email: [email protected]