Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3, Issue - 4, October 2018 | Page 3
And Light is all we are.
So here is our journey to light…. or journey within .…is going to the next level
1. Neha Sharma - Thoughts.
Must read. “Thoughts" a full blown torch to root where everything begins
be mindful of that.
2. Dr Dhiraj Nanda - …………………Man to be Vegetarian or Vegan
A very scientific take for our own health and planet. Thought provoking to
some and outright controversial to others yet one must ponder we really
need to think and act.
3. Dr. Bruce E. Kaloski - Meaning of being Rich or True Prosperity.
“This means realising and recognising that the Universe is fruitful
and abundant, that there is no scarcity,” to know rest read it.
4. Varsha Dwivedi -………………Inner Child Healing.
How we all need to work on our inner child to heal. Interesting and crisp I
enjoyed its out come and I think you will too. So read it
5. Dr. Shreya V. Prabhu - Choose Love
Welcome, our new family member Dr. Shreya V. Prabhu. one more
beautiful hypnotherapist onboard. with a very beautiful session and out
come. Her method too is worth reading. Shreya thank you for being the
part of this mission of awareness.
6. A Prakash - We can Heal.. My Journey to Healing.
Personal yet profound. Coming from our Hypnotherapist of the month
and it gives a conviction that we all can heal the Superconsciousness
has given this power to all of us. How? Read.
7. Joanne Walmsley - Vibrations of the numbers 0 to 10
Another miracle of numerals by our Australian Counterpart. Very
interesting and full of knowledge. A must read
8. Varsha Dwivedi - Crystal ‘Gold Pyrite’
As promised our this month’s crystal is Gold pyrite. so find out how its
masculine energy gives much needed strength and courage. And it
exclusively attract Abundance if programmed well.