Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3, Issue - 4, October 2018 | Page 22

Monday, 1 October 2018 the energy field of every object in the universe. This experience stayed and with time I came more aware of the energy field we all carry and how we can focus or direct it for self healing or to sent healing to others. Each one of us has this energy and the potential to e a healer if only one choses to be so. For healing is something that comes from within from your own core and no amount of learning can make a healer unto the individual himself is willing from within with the intent to heal. ‘Our Intent’ is so powerful that nearly your thoughts we can chose between life and death. why else do you think that doctors avoid directly telling the patients about life threatening or terminal diseases. it simply to protect them from loosing hope. For once a person is convinced that he or she is going to die even medicines cant rescue him or her. like wise post operative recoveries and healing are fastest in cases where the patient have a positive intent to heal and be healthy. Like wise in my experience with clients who come for hypnotherapy sessions I’ have noticed that the individuals who choose to have an intent to heal and resolve the issues are the one’s to heal the fastest, with the most profound healing sessions compare to the one’s who feel hopelessness loneliness fear etc.. SO as therapist our primary task is to help such client is to overcome these negative emotions first for only then can the actual healing happen. Hypnotherapy is in a way an extension of self healing. As a therapists role is that of the guide who through verbal suggestion and sues facilitate the client to enter a state of deep trance and connect to their higher self. Once there therapist only guide and aid the client to heal and resolve his issue at hand. Its the client who actually does healing with therapist by his side as a guide and facilitator. Thus we are all capable to use this power of healing just by intent. 3