Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3, Issue - 4, October 2018 | Page 20

Monday, 1 October 2018 We can Heal - My Journey to Healing. Ever since early school days I had a strange unknown ‘Knowing’ that all physical unease, discomfort or pain was some kind of accumulated trapped negative/ dark/ damaging energy which can be removed or replaced y positive/ right/ Healing energy! Simply by Intent i.e. the power of our Mind! Strangely at that age I had no idea about either Healing or Energy work, leave alone to have ever heard or read anything about Reiki panic healing, Distance Healing hand Laying or Energy Healing. Neither at that age was I aware about Aura, human Energy Fields, Chakras, Energy, Astral Body etc… So from where this ‘Knowing’ or this ‘Awareness’ came, I ‘ve yet not fully comprehended but yes with this immature idea I used to experiment with my own self as well as with my family members and friends. To heal and comfort anyone who was in pain or discomfort. Since i didn't knew any protocol or technique. So I simply place my palm over or slightly above the region with pain or discomfort and visualise that a healing/ soothing energy/ light was passing from my palms to the effected region and slowly all the energy of pain and discomfort was being replaced by this feeling/soothing energy/light. Amazingly nearly all cases people use to feel relaxed and comforted though the degree of healing which occurred used to vary from case to case. Today when i look back i find few things to be really amazing to have done all that without any conscious learning or teaching. A. Unknowingly i used to visualise that a bright white light is entering from the top of my head and passing through my hand to the effected region. B. The energy of pain and discomfort was nearly always seen as dark, smoky, hazy, misty and mucky in my visualisation. C. There have been times that I had even tried to suck out that energy of pain and discomfort through one of my palm while filling the region with 1