Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3, Issue - 4, October 2018 | Page 13

Sunday , 30 September 2018
It ’ s not a new concept and the Law of Attraction as applied to prosperity and abundance has been promulgated and promoted for many years , most notably in recent years by the blockbuster book and video The Secret . But have you ever really considered what true prosperity and abundance is ?
Well , of course it means different things to different people , but to me true prosperity and abundance is having all you require in order to fulfill your Life ’ s and / or Soul ’ s purpose ( some would call it their life ’ s work ). In other words , having the tools , resources , means , wherewith-all and living environment to live a life filled with joy , passion , aliveness , and fulfillment . Indeed , to me that is living . All else is merely existing .
If you think about it , you may not require a preponderance of wealth to fulfill that mission . For instance , your life purpose may be to save the environment by taking a hands-on , roll-up-your-sleeves , getdown-and-dirty approach . You may live in a simple home , spend little money , and still have all the natural resources you need to carry out your purpose . In that case , you would indeed be rich . What is important here is to have enough money and resources to accomplish the work you came into this lifetime to do , but not have so much that it keeps you from or detracts from the work you came to do .
Having enough money means being able to put your vision into action , to transform the energy around you into a higher purpose . Some people may need many material things to accomplish their Life Purpose . Using the above example of environmental advocacy , you may find it advantageous to align yourself with a group or organization , such as Greenpeace , which has the means and resources to help you actualize your mission .
But again , keeping with the above example , your purpose may be not to work “ hands-on ” as an environmental advocate but to spearhead an organization involved with it or to attract investors to help the organization reach its objectives . In this case , vast amounts of money may be required to fulfill that mission – from either yourself