Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3 , Issue - 3, September 2018 | Page 18

Monday, 6 August 2018 Self love: All love Begins with self. Actually love is expansion of self it is not selflessness as some people interpret. When our self expands to the extent to take other person in it. where his/her pain happiness, respect priorities becomes ours, so much so that, we feel equally hurt if that person is hurt; then we are in love. But that happens only when we love self first. Those who love self and come from high self esteem do not need to pull others down to feel better. They are already so secure; so they have a warmth and security in and around them which attracts others like anything. They make others feel loved and cared for and with their partners they are lovely people. So loving self and taking care of self is first prerequisite. “Treat others the way you want to be treated” it has a crux. ….”The way YOU want to be treated” so if you are ok to sacrifice beyond limits you would expect the same and when thats not possible you are hurt. You do not respect yourself how will you even understand concept to give respect to others. So This axiom has two way meaning it stops you not just to trample on others but first not to be trampled as well. Once self love is learnt and fully practised comes Trust yes trust: They say love is unconditional. yes it is, but friends trust is highly conditional. And the minute this condition breaks all the love in the world cannot keep two people bind to each other. Trust each other, it makes one feel safe and secure and it increases intimacy. So trust each other and keep each others’ trust no matter what. Love bring people together but it is trust which binds them together and respect keeps them together. Respect: respect for each other. strengthen trust and eventually Love become stronger and stronger. This is a very important ingredient in great marriage or partnership. Two people respect and value each other for what they are and what they offer in this relationship. 2