Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3, Issue - 2, ( 1 August 2018) | Page 5
Wednesday, 1 August 2018
ANGEL NUMBERS - What are They?
The phenomena of 'Number Sequences', sometimes known as ‘Angel
Numbers' is becoming more and more prevalent day by day. Thousands
upon thousands of people from all walks of life, from all parts of the world,
and from every creed and religion, are reporting the phenomena of noticing
particular number sequences on clocks, timers, car number plates,
billboards, and from all kinds of sources.
According to respected authors, therapists and spiritualists around the
world, this phenomenon is occurring as a new “Spiritual Awareness” is
taking place and gaining momentum on our planet. As a race, people are
evolving on a Spiritual level, with the number sequences being 'messages'
from a Higher Source.
Your angels (and/or spirit guides) guide you through your thoughts, feelings,
words and visions. They also show you signs’ - that is, things that you see
repeatedly with your physical eyes. One of the signs is repetitive number
Angels and those of the spiritual realm do their best to get our attention and
to communicate with us. In this way, they help us heal our own lives.
However, we often discount the signs that they give us, writing them off as
mere coincidences or our imagination."
Your angels often communicate messages to you by showing you
sequences of numbers. They do this in two ways. First, they subtly whisper
in your ear so that you will look up in time to notice the time displayed on
the clock, or the phone number on an advertisement or something similar.
The angels hope that you will be aware and acknowledge that you are
seeing this same sequence of numbers, over and over.
The second way in which the angels show you meaningful number
sequences' is by physically arranging for something like a car driving in
front of you that has specific number plates, and hope that you realize that
you are seeing the number sequence again. They want you to notice, then
look into the messages further.