Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3, Issue - 2, ( 1 August 2018) | Page 3

Let’s take a tour of our home and make some changes today. how open airy and inviting, it is? If by any chance its the other way round it effects your Self or your (being) So remove furniture to create that space. Put light there. Now check out the central area well if this is well lit clean with happy , needed and loved objects then your health must be very good. There are other kinds of clutter too…… Activity Clutter, Multitasking has become a way of life but it actually creates lots of clutter in mind we go through activities in daze not really experiencing them so we do not experience the satisfaction of a task finished neither do we enjoy the process fully. It may gives us a sense of importance but it takes away our much needed peace in turns of which life style diseases like depression, stress slowly creeps in. Relationship Clutter, We all have people we would rather not spend time with yet out of sense of duty or guilt or good manners, we allow ourselves to be drawn into unwanted association. Sometimes its just the wastage of our time and sometimes they actually drain our energy or have a negative influence on us. Clear up with such relationship clutter. Its damaging. Be honest and clear. Even with your loved one you need to draw a line how much is enough. Mental Clutter, That Television in your home where repeat telecast is going on add lots of mental clutter. people who are on TV a lot have lots of trust issues than those who do not watch it much or do not watch at all. The truth is most of people regardless of age lack mental focus and clarity. So many thoughts would pop up in one minute. thats mental clutter, cut it down withthe help of meditation and stay away from information which is unnecessary. Atmospheric Clutter, Have you ever walked into a place and felt bad vibes or good vibes ? even if you cannot identify the reason . A place retains the vibrations of its inmates for a long time . Specially vibrations of strong emotions . Air a place regularly and burning sage or incense is a very good way to clear up this clutter.