Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3, Issue - 2, ( 1 August 2018) | Page 15
Thursday, 2 August 2018
began to cry on the video call, saying that she really wants to be
happy. A few weeks later ‘A’ called back, finally decided that she
wanted a divorce and support for gaining courage, power, confidence,
motivation, and clarity for a post-divorce life towards this goal.
Initial hypnotherapy session revealed that A had some awareness that
she (or anyone) did not deserve the treatments she received, but fear
of uncertainty and loneliness kept pulling her back into the old
“comfort zone”, i.e. what brought her pain but at least the pattern was
familiar to her.
With systematic and progressive techniques used in the phases of
gaining clarity, reflection, as well as forgiveness of negative feelings
towards others and self, ‘A’ understood clearly that her needed life is
filled with love and respect, while her desired self is brave,
independent, lively, and confident. The processes involved accepting
positive insights to integrate herself with the lonely/unwanted/unloved
inner child, releasing herself free from the anger, grudge, guilt and
blame, and reinforcing that F-E-A-R is not Forget-Everything-And-
Run, but Face-Everything-And-Rise.
At each session ‘A’ was able to reassure to her self “I have changed
because now I know...that makes me feel...so I can...” with positive
and tangible thinking implanted.
With greatly enhanced self-worth, ‘A’ is now progressing legal work for
divorce and restraining order protection, attending various self-growth
and personal development courses, and exploring her interests in
yoga and meditation training. Nothing is more rewarding than noticing
‘A’ is looking brighter, more stable and grounded.
Client ‘B’ came from a belief system that attracts her into spiritual and
energy healing. She grew up in an abused family where her criminal
parent was addicted to substances, aggressive, and violent to family
members. As a result of being drawn into repeated patterns, ‘B’ ended
her first marriage with an aggressive husband. Nevertheless, she still
had low self-confidence, fear of losing, anxiety, as well as worry
(insecurity) about herself and family. She also sensed negative
influence of incompatible energies in her house, feeling disturbed by
potentially dark-force entities. All the emotional and spiritual
discomfort lead to physical pain in lower back, breathing problems,
difficulty to sleep, and headaches.