Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3, Issue 11, 1 May 2019 | Page 28
Realms of the Invisible or The invisible Realms
Many of us have often felt a presence at some or the other point in our
lives. it may be a shadowy appearance, a soft voice/ murmur, agent creepy
touch or just a ‘Feel’ o someone or something around Most often we tend to
brush it off or forget it. With time, if its not impacting or influencing our
routine life. We also overlook or self negate “these experiences as they tend
to conflict with our logical sense of perception and also due to fear of
ridicule which could be very real if we share them with our fellow beings!
For we do not want to be labeled as Hallucinators , dreamers or even worse
From ancient texts to New Age literature one can find detailed commotion
and descriptions about these entities. Different culture and thoughts given
them different names and categorised then in different groups. Starting from
the thought emotions created “ Elements to Nature spirit. to being without
So from the perspective of an individual let’s call them ‘Entities/ Energies’
which are not a part of his own body or ‘energy field’. Thus for all practical
purposes we can call them as Foreign Energy/ Entity. Now comes the
question as how and Why they can effect us. And how to protect or heal
ourselves from the FE’s.
FE attachment or entanglement with one’s energy field, though not much
heard of, is fairly common! Though not every attachment may have drastic
effect on us - we may even have lived unknown to their presence in our
“Energy Field for years! So comes the first question. Why will it attach itself
to any human?