Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3, Issue 11, 1 May 2019 | Página 2

FROM THE DESK न मां कमार्िण िलम्पिन्त न मे कमर्फले स्पृहा । इित मां योऽिभजानाित कमर्िभनर् स बध्यते "4 : 14" Activities do not taint me, nor do I desire the fruits of action. One who knows me in this way is never bound by the karmic reactions of work. (Srimadbhagvat Geeta : Chapter 4 Verse 14) “Pure personalities are never tainted by defects even in contact with impure situations and entities, like the sun, the fire, and the Ganges.” The sun does not get tainted if sunlight falls on a puddle. The sun retains its purity, while also purifying the dirty puddle. Similarly, if we offer impure objects into the fire, (Gold becomes more pure when goes though the fire only impurities burn.) it still retains its purity—the fire is pure, and whatever we pour into it also gets purified. In the same manner, numerous tributaries of rainwater merge into the holy Ganges, but this does not make the Ganges dirty—the Ganges is pure and it transforms all those dirty water into the holy Ganges. Likewise, God is not tainted by the activities he performs. We absorb and get covered by the impressions of people we encounter. We even get influenced by the places we have been or in touch with. They all influence us and make us who we are. However, eventually we need to uncover the soul essence “we are” - and who we have come here to be. This we do by finding the real me and for that we need to raise our vibration through ‘service and meditation' and by being happy…. And once the ‘I’ make sense everything else starts to make sense and every human being’s essence become visible. This is my special month and what an issue I have got in my hand. My writers have given me my beautiful birthday gift. What write ups I have here, 1