Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3, Issue 11, 1 May 2019 | Page 15

And no doubt plenty smarter too! … BUT, let me say this: If you’ve got a voice that always seems to drag you down then you’ve probably tried ignoring it.  Maybe you’ve even tried reasoning with it. What I’m telling you to do is something else. Hold that voice to a higher standard of accountability.  Make it justify its claims and take your successes into account before it makes such sweeping pronouncements. Otherwise, I suggest that you pay it the same respect that you’d pay any other bully who swaggers around hurling obscenities at all-and-sundry.   #2 Incorporate evidence to the contrary I am certain of one thing about you… You have achieved something in your life.  Whether it’s mustering up the confidence to apply for a job or winning a Nobel prize… EVERYONE has had success in their life. So, start like this: DON’T compare yourself to the successes of other people. If you’re swiping your way through Instagram fitness models or sizing-up your life against premiership footballers then I can guarantee you won’t find happiness there. It’s not a fair comparison. PLUS, these people are often terrifically depressed. Compare yourself only to who YOU were yesterday/last week/last year. And REMEMBER the successes you have had.  Celebrate them. Re-live them and remind yourself how you did those things. You can even try this exercise: Think of a success you’ve had in your life.  Something that brought you the pure joy of achievement. Allow your mind to take you back there.  Float down into your body, see what you saw and hear what you heard. Get in touch with the feelings too. Then pay attention to the way you were talking to yourself.  Is there a voice you used to hear which has been quiet for a while? Is it your voice or the voice of someone else in your head?