Egg shaped crystals confine and shape
energy and can be used to detect and
rebalance blockages in the body. The more
pointed end is a useful reflexology or
acupressure tool. They make excellent hand
comforters when used in times of stress and
are ideal when used with your meditation
An etched crystal looks as though
hieroglyphs or cuneiform writing has been
inscribed on the faces of the crystal. Used
when meditating, this crystal takes you back
to the ancient civilisations to access wisdom
and knowledge of past lives. It can be
extremely useful in attuning to spiritual
training and initiations carried out at the time,
re-awakening inherent skills and healing
abilities. It is said that an etched crystal is a
personal crystal and should be used by one
person only but, it can skilfully guide another
soul consciously to access their own past
knowledge. It is especially helpful in past life
therapy when going to a time before disease
or destructive emotional patterns set in, so
that you can feel what it was like to be without these heavy burdens, thereby
facilitating recovery of the state of inner perfection.