Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3, Issue - 1, ( 1 July 2018) | Página 2
मनुष्याणां सहस्रेषु किश्चद्यतित िसद्धये |
यततामिप िसद्धानां किश्चन्मां वेित्त तत्वत: || 3||
Of Men, out of many, barely one strives for perfection;
Out of those who strive and even amongst those “Siddhas”
who achieve perfection:
There is still hardly ‘One’ who knows me in my true
( Srimadbhagvatgeeta- Chapter 7, Verse 3)
From The Desk
‘Sangam’ or Confluence of two rivers (‘Mating’ is a literal meaning)
A place where Indus meets with Zanskar river and right in front of
you two three huge mountains. In between that azure sky and few
clouds playing peak a boo. It is 16 th of June. 2018 afternoon. Water
is really cold, still I could not resist the allure of putting my feet into
that historical river upon whose name we got our historical name
Indus Valley civilization. And after few seconds everything droped.
For the first time in my whole life I realized why sages and saints
come to Himalaya.
What I experienced is beyond words. I was in meditation with my
eyes open. I was still, completely still Leave alone a thought not
even a slight wave of word was there to touch me. It’s a high
tourist season, people were coming and going. Yet I was unable to
hear anything, All I could hear was the voice of moving water and
air and nothing, and those mountains the whole Ladakhi range
were giving me their stillness. And sky has made me Peace. Yes I
was not peaceful or feeling peace I was peace.
That oneness that stillness and rhythm both at the same time with
vast Nothingness………………………..
I have tears they are still brimming in my eyes by the mare
memory of it. Or is it a memory. Should I call it Happiness NO I
was unable to feel anything, that was the place of no emotion yet if
something can be most wonderful, Tasty, beautiful are “Those
moments” all these words are unable to express what I want to